today Chicago Midwinter Meeting Feb. 20, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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today Chicago Midwinter Meeting Feb. 20, 2014

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today Chicago Midwinter Meeting Feb. 20, 2014

Chicago News / LVI Core I three-day course designed for doctors and their teams to learn together / Immediate molar extraction sockets pose real problems for standard dental implants / ‘Take CAD/CAM to the next level’ / Exhibitors / Use online reviews to acquire new patients / Take polishing to an ‘X-Treme’ level / Encouraging patients to become social media evangelists for your practice / Digital imaging without limits / Onset: Making local anesthetic better / Controlling tissue contours with a prosthetically driven approach / Henry Schein Dental launches Insight Endo and Channels endodontic system / Barrier protection is critical in dental professionals’ gloves / Portfolio of leading dental brands form KaVo Kerr Group / Check out Gelato Prophy Paste - NiteBite / Fusion 4 does much more than curing /
