implants international No. 1, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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implants international No. 1, 2014

Neueste Ausgabe

implants international No. 1, 2014

Cover / Editorial / Content / Maximal aesthetics in the periodontally compromised anterior maxilla / Ridge augmentation for an atrophied posterior mandible using NanoBone block / Comprehensive prosthetic restoration / Jawbone cavitation and its implication in implant dentistry / Immediate implantation and full-ceramic restoration in the maxillary anterior region / Influence of implant design on osseointegration / Manufacturer News / Interview: The time has come / Short implants An interview with Prof. Dr Christoph Hämmerle - Switzerland / International implantology in Berlin / More than 500 attend ISOI annual meeting in Tokyo / News / About the publisher /
